Hosted by Innilgard, Event Steward/Organiser: Aeschine of Arran,
Greetings Lochac,
Once again We find most of Our realm is gripped by the deprivations of plague. Our thoughts go to those who are locked down in a bid to curtail the spread of infection.
We hope that the inconvenience you are subject to now means that We get to see your smiling faces in person all the sooner. Time and again we hear that the reason people keep turning up to SCA events are for the people.
Regardless of how they started enjoying Our society: armoured combat; rapier; archery; research; sewing; cooking; drinking; feasting; or any of the many other pursuits we share; it is the friends we make and get to interact with at events that makes the SCA a thing of value and beauty. We ask each of you to recognise that you are Our greatest asset in this Kingdom.
We ask each of you to please look after yourselves and to check in with those dear to you, wherever they may be across the Kingdom.
Unfortunately the impact of Covid upon the Kingdom means that Our populace’s ability to travel is greatly reduced. This makes it unlikely that We would have a List for Our Crown Tournament that would do justice to the grand spectacle that is Crown Tournament. Because of this the Kingdom Seneschal has made the decision to postpone the Crown Tournament that was due to be held in Innilgard in September.
We will have Our Crown tournament in Ynys Fawr in conjunction with the Coronation event that is already being planned in November. We would ask all those who are able to traverse the vastness of Our land, and who have the inclination, to please attend upon Us in Ynys Fawr and contest Our Crown Tournament. Let Us all truly make this occasion one to remember in the annals of Lochac.
We would also take this opportunity to thank Innilgard, the populace, the Baron and Baroness, and in particular, the stewards and their team, for all the effort they have put into shaping the event to the point it was. It is still Our hope that We will be able to attend upon Our subjects in Innilgard as part of Our progress, and spend time with friends, old and new.
By now the wider Kingdom would also be aware that the event we had planned for Stormhold on the 28th of August has been cancelled as an in-person event. The Baronial Succession will still go ahead as an online event on the 28th of August, with the details being published in the very near future by the Barony of Stormhold. We would invite all of Our populace, who are able, to join us for this joyful occasion from whatever part of the Kingdom you may reside; from Ynys Fawr to Riverhaven, and from Aneala to Ildhafn and Southron Gaard, in order to thank Baron Brian and Baroness Miriam in an appropriate manner, suitable to the service they have rendered to Our Barony and to Our people of Stormhold, and also to embark Master Lief and the Honourable Lady Eleanora on their tenure as Baron and Baroness of Stormhold.
We are a great Kingdom and we will make it through these current tribulations together.
In Service,
Oze and Miriam
Crown of Lochac
This brave event has now been postponed,
For booking info, contact Mistress Elena Le Bruestere at
Bookings cancelled due to CoVID, will be fully refunded